57 E Golf View Rd is a house in Ardmore, PA 19003. This 2,292 square foot house sits on a 7,928 square foot lot and features 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. This property was built in 1952 and last sold for $700,500. Based on Redfin's Ardmore data, we estimate the home's value is $742,403. Comparable nearby homes include 125 W Clearfield Rd, 2524 Huntington Ln, and 31 W Clearfield Rd. Nearby schools include St. Denis School, Lynnewood El School and Chestnutwold El School. The closest grocery stores are Spring Grocery Store and Acme Markets. Nearby coffee shops include Oakmont Roots Cafe, Skatium and Starbucks. Nearby restaurants include Hoopty's Pizza & Pasta, Havertown Grille and Cafe D'Angelo. This address can also be written as 57 East Golf View Road, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003.